Producer Page: Fall

Welcome Wagon--- Peoples State Bank is very happy to be joined by our friends and neighbors from Paragon Bank.  We have enjoyed beginning to work with you and our institution has benefitted greatly from the addition of several outstanding new employees.  We look forward to a great future!!

Soggy September--- This is getting old!  Too much rain recently will start to impact our harvest season.  You may want to think about a plan “B” type of approach to fall work.  For example:  what fields are a priority, instead of always having the same combining order ---Be flexible regarding the switch back and forth between corn and soybeans, it is a pain but may be necessary with the limiting conditions  ---Have your grain handling set up so you can harvest in limited windows and not have bottlenecks that stop the combine when the weather is ok, maybe be willing to use some older bins for temporary storage etc.

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Producer Page: Planting

News of Note--- You have probably heard that Peoples Equity Corp. (our ownership group) has entered into an agreement to purchase Paragon Bank of Wells.  We are very excited about working with the staff and customers of Paragon, and we are dedicated to a long future of independent community banking here in the Wells area.  We will continue to be focused on agriculture and the local businesses that support our farming community.

Insurance Insight--- A quick reminder…..with the early planting, we will have crops emerged soon and you should verify and/or purchase hail insurance soon if you want that coverage to protect your investment in your crops.   Your federal crop insurance should already be in place, but the hail policy may require a separate application.

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Frost Injury

Hi Everyone,

Well…..farming is never boring.   The cold temps over the weekend have caused some widespread frost injury to our crops.   Corn is showing some very visible wilting in many fields.   Fortunately the growing point is still under ground.   In most cases, we should recover from this episode but it warrants some close evaluation over the next several days.

Please open and review the statement from the U of Minnesota corn agronomist regarding this frost event-- it contains a lot of useful information.

You may also want to delay any applications of chemicals until we see some crop recovery, since the seedlings are already under stress.

Soybeans (thankfully not many had emerged) have a growing point that is exposed shortly after emergence.   If only cotyledons are exposed, these wax covered leaves are pretty tough and may have survived, but the next 3-5 days will tell the story.

Thanks and good luck out there!!

Mark Warmka, VP

Peoples State Bank of Wells


pdfFrost injury to corn seedlings 

Producer Page: Spring

Spring Ahead--- Next weekend we will be setting clocks ahead an hour, signaling the start of spring. This annual rite of passage, along with unseasonably warm temperatures, is reminding us that spring work is just around the corner.

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